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Image by James Barr

        river worship

River Worship is dedicated to creating and maintaining an atmosphere of prayer and worship. We believe in real God encounters that leave you irreversibly changed, not empty performances. Our worship team is dedicated to seeing breakthrough in the lives of the broken through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. 

John 4:23

Image by Ben White

encountering the father

At River Church, we offer two six week courses based in biblical values designed to open your heart and allow God to reveal Himself to you. The first semester focuses on worship, prayer, and warfare that is designed to draw you nearer to the Father. Second semester is an advanced class that focuses on leadership and developing your God given purpose.

Matthew 6:33

Kids with Capes

             river kids

River Kids ministry is an interactive and fun source of biblical education for our children. It involves characters and interaction with the Bible to stimulate your child's wonder and imagination toward God. We have class every Sunday at 10:30am.

Proverbs 22:6

Image by Jack Sharp

        prophetic arts

At River Church, we encourage people to express worship to God through the gifts that the Father has given them. We are part of a region that is rich in creativity and we want to teach people to channel those gifts to Kingdom purposes. We have prophetic painting, interpretive dance, and flagging. 

1 Corinthians 12:4-6



Life Changers Outreach is a 12-month residential discipleship ministry for men and women over the age of 18 that struggle with any kind of life controlling issue. We teach morals and values from the Word of God in an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit moves and empowers them to live a new and free life. If you know someone that is struggling or would like to learn more about this program, please visit us at our website below.



World Harvest School of Ministry is a one-year college accredited, Biblically intensive, and spirit-filled preparatory school. It is offered to graduates of our in house discipleship training that feel called to the five-fold ministry. We empower them with the knowledge to go out and take the kingdom in all areas of life.

Matthew 11:12

Image by Perry Grone

          get involved

At River Church we encourage community and we would love to have you as a member of our family. It is our heart to see the members of our family volunteer and help expand the kingdom of God in our community and the world. If you feel led to serve in River Church please reach out to our Campus Pastor or one of our Associate Pastors. 

Ephesians 4:16

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